The Migrants' Trade Union (MTU) is a small, but important development in the evolution of international migration in South Korea. It represents an effort by foreign migrant workers--primarily from Bangladesh and Nepal--to establish their own political voice in South Korea. The union is headed by Anwar Hossein. Hossein, however, was violently arrested by Korean immigration authorities on May 14th, 2005, and incarcerated in the Chungjoo detention centre (south of Seoul). He was held for almost a year, but was recently transferred to a hospital due to ill-health. This is most likely a "face-saving" tactic, which will allow immigration authorities to release Anwar for "humanitarian reasons." During his detention, the MTU's vice president, Shakil, was the acting president of the union. The following text is a translation of an interview I had with Shakil on May 22, 2006.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER. This is not a verbatim interview. The interview was conducted in Korean and with an interpreter. The "quotes" below, therefore, reflect not only a (rough) translation, but also my personal effort to create a smooth and coherent response in English. (My notes, in other words, were very choppy, so I edited them before reproducing here.) I have endeavored, however, to reflect the clear intent of Shakil in everything reproduced below.
When and why did you first come to Korea?
I came to Korea in 1992 on a tourist visa. Initially, though, didn't intend to stay in Korea; I was interested in going to another country, such as Japan. I saw Korea basically as a stepping-stone. When I came to Korea I initially wanted to establish my own business, buying Korean goods and then selling them to buyers in Bangladesh. This didn’t work out, so eventually I had to find work, but the only work available was low-skilled work in factories.
How long have you been in Korea?
For 14 years, since 1992.
How long do you plan to stay?
I don’t know. Personally, I don’t want to stay in Korea. Life is very hard in Korea as an undocumented worker. Living in Korea is very stressful and frustrating. I was arrested once in 2000, but I was released. This was because I was injured at the time. I have not left, however, because I feel a responsibility to the MTU. I will leave when the union achieves its major objectives.What was your life like in the first few years?My first job was in Incheon at a company that manufactured public phones. I worked there for three years. After three years, though, my visa expired for good—I was able get four 6-month renewals, but since then I have been in Korea without a valid visa. After that point, I moved frequently between jobs to avoid getting caught by immigration authorities.
Do you have family or children in Korea?
I’m not married, and I have no family in Korea. My mother and father live in Bangladesh, but I haven’t been back since I came to Korea. My mother died in 2005, but I wasn’t able to go back. If I had, it would have been nearly impossible to return to Korea.
What got you involved in political activities?
Originally, I didn’t have any intention to get involved in politics or in union activities. When I moved to Ansan, however, I was injured and went to the JCMK [Joint Committee for Migrant Workers in Korea] for assistance. This was in 1998. I was grateful for the help, and, in 1999, I started working as a volunteer counselor for the JCMK. Before that, though, I was familiar with the activities of the JCMK. In 1995, when 13 foreign workers from Nepal staged a sit-in at Myongdong Cathedral, some Korean NGOs helped the workers.
This was where the JCMK started. The Nepali workers, who were all trainees, demanded worker accident insurance. All were suffering from injuries and had been unable to receive treatment. They thought they might be able to get help--or at least bring some attention to their suffering--through a public protest. Although their protest wasn’t entirely successful, the government did respond. It was at this time that I realized there was a need for migrant workers to be organized—although not necessarily to achieve political goals per se. At the time, I was content to work through organizations such as the JCMK. By 2000, however, I realized that we--foreign migrant workers--needed our own organization, so we organized a “headquarters” for a struggle against government crackdowns and the trainee system.
How/when did the union begin?
The union began from the “headquarters” originally formed in 2000. In May 2001, however, we joined the Equality Trade Union, and formed the Migrant Workers Branch. So the first migrant workers' union was called the "ETU-MB." The ETU-MB had four chapters: Seoul/Gyeonggi/Incheon, Ansan, Maseok, and (a separate) Incheon. Our new organization was still primarily focused on the same issues as earlier, but this was also the time the government began to consider creating the employment permit system.The situation was changing, so our focus also began to change. Another big event happened when the government announced a deadline for all illegal workers to leave Korea. The announcement was made on November 14, 2003. After this announcement, the ETU-MB, the Nepalese Struggle Alliance, and Korean Human Rights Center/Incheon joined together in a sit-in protest. The protest lasted for more than 1 year. The joseonjok were also demonstrating, although their protests were separate from ours. However, we all demanded the same thing: a stop to the crackdown on illegal workers; we also demanded that all undocumented workers be legalized and that the training system be abolished. This was a very intense period—14 foreign workers committed suicide.
We didn’t succeed. Still, it was a very fruitful experience in other ways. One of the primary benefits was that the demonstration dramatically increased public awareness of migrant workers and of foreign worker issues. After the protest, too, we realized that we needed a more formal organizational structure. Hitherto, the ETU-MB was divided into four geographic areas: north Gyeonggi, south Gyeonggi, Seoul, and Incheon. We thought that we needed to find a way to create a more cohesive organization, so we created a planning committee with representatives from the four chapters, plus one representative from the Nepalese Struggle Alliance, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, and the Equality Trade Union. Altogether, we had seven representatives on the planning committee. The planning committee was particularly concerned with membership, which had shrunk drastically after the long struggle against the government: prior to the beginning of the struggle, the ETU-MB had between 400 to 500 members, but afterwards there were only about 100 or so. Many of our members had been arrested and deported. One of the objectives of the planning committee was to expand membership by creating smaller chapters in specific areas, including: Ansan, Anyang, Osan, Songsu, Tongdaemun, Uijongbu, Suwon, and Incheon.
On April 24, 2005, the MTU was finally established.
What is the current membership (number)? Has membership been growing?
In April 2005 we had only about 91 members. Today (in 2006), we have about 300 members. So membership is increasing, but only ver slowly.
From which countries do the members come from?
Most of the members are from Bangladesh and Nepal. There’s about an even split between these two groups. Of the remaining 100 or so members, there are workers from Sri Lanka, Burma (Myanmar), Indonesia, and the Philippines.
Are the members all “illegal” or undocumented workers?
Prior to the crackdown in 2004, many of our members were legal. After that, though, almost our entire membership is undocumented. Probably less than 10 percent of our members are working in Korea legally.
What are the long-term plans of the union?
We are still concerned with government crackdowns on illegal workers, but our longer term goals are to expand the MTU into a national union, and, in conjunction with Democratic Labor Party, to reform the Employment Permit System. Instead, we want to establish a “Worker Permit System.”
Does the union have support of Korean unions?
Yes. We have had strong support from Korean labor unions, especially the KCTU. In fact, we are an official member of the “Seoul Council” and the “Gyeonggi Council” of the KCTU.
What is the nature of this support? Financial? Organizational?
The KCTU provides a great deal of organizational support, and is currently assisting us in our efforts to create a national union. If we succeed in this regard, then we can become a full member of the KCTU. The KCTU also provides financial support, currently about 6 million wonper month. In addition, we receive about 2 million won a month in membership dues. If we have any major events, the KCTU usually provides additional funding.
What about other civic organizations in Korea?
We have very good relations with Korean NGOs, including the JCMK, and also receive some financial assistance from these organizations. We are in constant touch with NGOs through an executive committee. We are also constantly involved in making solidarity with other organizations.
Any problems or difficulties in relationship with Korean organizations?
No, as I said, we have good relations with the Korean NGO community.
Other than Anwar, has the union or its members been targeted by immigration officials?
Beside Anwar, no other union member has been arrested by immigration authorities, although we are under constant surveillance--I know that I am watched by immigration authorities. This is one reason why living in Korea is so stressful for me.
What is the current condition and status of Anwar?
Anwar has been released from the detention facility because of ill health. Although, he is technically not free—supposedly, if he regains his health, he’ll be returned to detention—most likely, he will not be deported. Anwar’s health, though, is a serious problem. If he doesn’t recover soon, it is likely that he will not be reelected as president. Even in that event, he’ll continue to play an important role in the union as long as he is in Korea.